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Wood and Herb Spell Pot

This is a wooden spell pot made from locally sourced Hawthorn wood engraved with a pentagram and Algiz rune. A hole has drilled into the pot and within this is packed Thyme, Peppermint and Lemon Balm herbs and a paper scroll. To use this pot, write your wish or prayer onto the paper scroll, roll it up and insert it into the hole. Ask the universe to draw on the spiritual and magical properties of the wood, herbs and symbols to manifest your wish or prayer.

The Algiz rune symbolises protection, safety and strength and the pentagram adds magic and power. The three herbs, Thyme, Peppermint and Lemon Balm are good for manifesting luck and success. Finally, Hawthorn wood is said to represent love and have protective properties. This particular spell pot is therefore good for wishes relating to safety and protection.

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